Monday 29 November 2010

Antisocial Personality Disorder and behaviour

Antisocial Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by persistent disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.

First of all, Antisocial Personality Disorder has symptoms related with poor behavioural controls. Person shows expressions of irritability, annoyance or impatience. Also, this disorder related with inadequate control of anger and temper which can be shown in everyday life or important and meaningful for person, who is disordered, situations. For example, due to aggression person often get involved in fights and such situations make one‘s life more difficult than other‘s.

Secondly, this personality disorder is strongly related with deceit and manipulation. These features are the most important and have strong negative affect on person‘s social and even educational life. The situation, when disordered person are not under control, are very difficult, as he is lying repeatedly, using various aliases or conning others for own profit or pleasure. This person is cold, contemptuous and inconsiderate, as he has a lack of feelings toward others.

Moreover, strong affect to person‘s life are caused by disregard for right or wrong, as person do things without any social, ethnic or moral rules. He has greatly inflated idea of one‘s abilities and self – esteem, but no feelings or concern for losses, pain and suffering of other people. Also, important thing is that person who suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder usually fails in acceptance of responsibility for one‘s own actions.

To sum up, Antisocial Personality Disorder influences a big part of person‘s life. It is related with psychological, physical health and even social or educational status of person‘s.


Friday 26 November 2010



In my opinion, ESP vocabulary tests was one of the most difficult tasks, because I should learn a lot information and write definitions in exactly words they were written in module. So it was one of the reasons why there was a contrast in my ESP vocabulary tests results. But altogether I think that it was interesting and, what is more, necessary for my future studies.


I think that summary writing was one of the most interesting and easiest tasks. I used to write summaries quite good, but there were still some grammar and stylistic mistakes sometimes. Still, I have really enjoyed and succeeded in writing them.


This task was new at third term of ESP course. I enjoyed it and take it as helpful and important task, because it helped to rehears information for ESP tests and exam. What is more, if something was difficult to understand, you could find new explanation or definition for word or term and know how to define it in other words.


MOODLE tests was not as difficult as ESP tests, as we could do them at home so it was partly enjoyable task, but still there were some difficulties. First problem was that we should know module‘s information very well. Another reason was difficult understanding of some questions which were composed quit complicated.


I made no progress in that type of activity in university, because I had much more practice while studying at school. A big part of the listening tasks were quite hard and difficult for me. I think that my performance in listening tasks was not very good and the main cause was that I cannot hear the relevant information. On the other hand, I think that I had improved my listening skills a little bit during ESP classes.


As I have said before, Power Point Presentations is the most interesting task. Themes were interesting and original, so i could do my best and say what I think about things I was talking about, about reasons why I chosen exactly that theme. Despite this fact, it was a little bit stressful and unenjoyable to talk in front of all people but interesting to answer questions of them.


First of all, I can say that speaking impromptu was the most helpful and informative task, because you can say your opinion, hear other people‘s ideas and discuss with peers about psychology, life or future. On the other hand, usually we used to talk about modules, we have read at home, so it was difficult to say a lot of information and talk about theme you are sometimes not interested on. So i think that my speaking about psychology skills was improved a little bit.


Last but not a least thing, i want to talk about is short talks. This task was a little bit difficult and stressful but, on the other hand, it was very informative and helpful. First of all, themes were different so i could choose the most interesting for me. Also they were not usual, for example we should talk about disorders and behaviour, so I get a lot of information about Antisocial Personality Disorder. I think that I was quite good at this task and it helped me to improve my speaking skills.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Psychology of handwriting

I am going to talk about psychology of handwriting.  There are different ways how to know more about person, his character and personality without verbal communication; it is one’s body language, eyes movements and even handwriting.
First of all, it should be talked about what exactly handwriting can say about person. As psychologists of nonverbal behaviour suggest, handwriting say a lot about personality's traits, interpersonal communication, character and so forth. This idea can be explained by structure of personality which is composed not only of traits, minds but also of different styles of behaviour. What is more, A. Binet thought that one of the ways how to determine characters is handwriting analysis. After a lot of experiments he found correlations between handwriting and gender. A. Binet claimed that men’s handwriting is more original than women’s.
Secondly, very important thing in psychology of handwriting is graphology science. Graphologists suggest that it is possible to interpret character from such graphic signs as ascending handwriting which is associated with self - love and pride. Also, they say that handwriting composed of thin lines is saying that it is very shy person. Personality's strength is associated with a thick letter "t". What is very interesting that writing letters "a" and "o" roundly shows reserve and closure.
What is more, there are four symbolic directions where we can write: high, low, right and left. Since older times high side is related to positive thoughts, confidence. Low writing person often has a lack of self-confidence, moreover, that person is thinking negatively. Left side shows thinking about the past. Meanwhile, right side shows future intensions.  There are some more features of handwriting. If person uses wide letters it shows rational intelligence, mental concentration, and scientific abilities. Narrow letters show instinctive intuition, even interest for politics, lack of deepening. Moreover, progressively reducing handwriting shows tendency to depression.
To sum up, it is important to mention that psychology of handwriting has many oppositions and it is still very difficult to prove its truths. Each day it is being developed and perhaps after some time it will be more evidence about the meaning of handwriting.

Monday 17 May 2010


I am studying in Mykolas Romeris University Bachelor of Psychology. All subjects which I study are related to this profession. One of the most important subjects is ESP (English for specific purposes). I have been studying it for two terms. And now it is about time to write about my own achievements and aims.
First of all, I should mention that the most interesting and creative part for me was creation of Power Point Presentations. It took time, originality ant talking skills, so if you want to show your best, you should put a lot of effort. What is more, I was able to choose theme which is interesting for me, so my presentation was original, and as exceptional as I could imagine it. I think, it was the most enjoyable and successful performance for me.
Secondly, there were quite unordinary tests in moodle system. They were prepared to make our knowledge about modules better, as we had to look through the module if we did not know correct answer. It was not very difficult for me, but it took some time always, so it was a little bit annoying work.
Another thing I should write about is ESP definitions tests, which were written in class. It was the most difficult task for me, as performances took a lot of time. Also, there were situations when I had forgotten several definitions during my test, so mark was decreasing.
Also, we have to talk in class impromptu about modules and other things, which are related to themes we are studying about. It was interesting but sometimes it was too difficult to say what i thinking about in English. So in my opinion, Ii should talk more, as it will be helpful for me. However, it was easier to talk when I was prepared at home, as I had rehearsed my short talks before several times.
What is more, we were writing summaries. It was a little bit difficult for me in first term, but my skills are better and, I think, it is easier for me to write summaries now. My marks are higher, I do less mistakes and it takes less time to write summaries.
The last thing I am going to write is listening practise in class. I think there were too little exercises of listening, so my skills are the same as they were before. It is a little bit difficult to understand what people on record are saying, but if I take care of it, situation will change.
To sum up, I think that every practise is very important and helps me to be better performed in ESP and psychology, as when I rehearse information, I understand it better.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Psychology of behaviour

Psychology is the discipline that involves the study of human emotions, motivation, and perception and, of course, relationships with whole world. Behaviour is actions of a human organism, usually in relation to the environment. Psychology of behaviour consists of understanding why and how exactly people behave in various situations.

Initially, the most important thing is nature of the phenomenon. Behaviourism is school that was founded in the early 20th century by American psychologist John B. Watson. He and other behaviourists tried to find relationships between natural organism's reactions and environmental effect.

Secondly, we should know why people are interested in psychology of behaviour. In my opinion, the most important reason is desire to know all about human, to understand others and themselves. Another reason is motivation to communicate and be a part of society, which is around you. What is more, most people are interested in body language and non – verbal behaviour as it is field of science that is always new and usable.

Psychology of behaviour has some benefits. People who try to understand others are more friendly, generous and peaceful, as they are interested in communication and awareness. Also, they can understand people easier; make fewer questions in difficult situations. Psychology of behaviour helps in work, friendships, marriage and other common parts of life. Of course, you can easier control yourself and know how you should behave in various situations.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages in this field of psychology. People who are interested in behaviour can begin follow only information that was written somewhere and do not take care on individual and unique situations. Also, it can be a little bit difficult to socialize when you understand every sign of body and know reasons why people do exactly that thing.

To sum up, the psychology of behaviour helps us to understand others but we should know that everything have exceptions.

Monday 8 February 2010


In 2009 I finished Vilniaus Fabijoniskiu secondary school. Now I am studying in Mykolas Romeris University Bachelor of Psychology. After graduation of Mykolas Romeris University I am going to study in The University of Manchester.

Subjects in Mykolas Romeris University, which are being studied in Bachelor of Psychology are more or less related to profession of psychologist. In first term students learn more about people’s body and general psychology, so they have lectures of anatomy, general psychology, even ESP. These subjects help students to understand what they will be learning about. In second term subjects are more particular. For instance, lecture of history of psychology, The Sensations and Perception.

Initially, Mykolas Romeris University has a lot of advantages. It is one of the most famous universities in Lithuania and it is placed in Vilnius the capital of Lithuania. In this university students are able to choose another university by ERSAMUS student exchange program and  study in France, Italy, Island or even Canada. What is more, Mykolas Romeris University offers you to graduate studies of Master of Psychology.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. This university is not as famous as, for instance Vilniaus University. Also, studies in Mykolas Romeris University can be a little bit difficult to foreign students, as most of subjects are taught in Lithuanian.

The University of Manchester also has a lot of pros. Students are able to study in English, so it is very comfortable, easier and more familiar for a lot of foreign students, not forgetting Lithuanians. Another thing, that this university has its own traditions and really good reputation, so students can be sure that it is right choice to get there The Master degree of Psychology.

However, there are some cons. Sometimes it can be too hard to study in such a big university, as in The University of Manchester are studying more than 50 000 students. Also, the authority of The University raises the claim, to study hard, and it can be too little time to do all the stuff. What is more, if you are not Englishman, you can feel embarrassed in foreign country.

To sum up, Mykolas Romeris University and The University of Manchester are high quality universities so all disadvantages can be fought by advantages.